Satnam Satya

Yogic & Holistic Life With Satya Prem Kaur the Holistic Entrepreneur

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What did the Beaver Moon do?

If you have had the opportunity to attend a yoga session, workshop, or read my profile.  Everything I do is organic….authentic. I do not teach, share what I have not experienced or done myself.


I am therefore at ease, in my comfy zone. Embracing a Hygge environment.  I lay back into my large puffy pillows & cushions; melting deep into my bed from the weight of my not double, not King, but Queen size duvet.

Can I be honest, get up close & personal?

Ok….lets do this.  My mind & body are working to please themselves, not each other.  This is becoming increasingly difficult to manage myself physically & emotionally.

Relaxing, falling into  to share my thoughts and feelings.  Quite frankly the Beaver Moon has left me a feeling….Mmm dishevelled…Mmm drained…not really sure if I have a word, a description.

I feeling an over flow of…busyness of the mind, Busyness to share things all things….all things Bright & Beautiful Bubbling…in my mind in my being…’Like a ‘Babbling Brook’

At the same time…there is an element of Mmm..I’ll do it later…Mmm maybe thats too much information..planning, thinking, planning, thinking. Its like eat sleep, play repeat….

For now I will sleep 💤…..Play will come….the time is rest & sleep. Long deep breathing. Relax into the warmth of my bed & recharge…& reflect by the light of the moon.

The universe has given me the opportunity to pause on teaching weekly Yoga sessions.

Giving in to a spontaneous practice that consists of going with the flow…A chat with God…Long deep breathing, Deep transitional thoughts…hurriedly scripting the roaming thoughts.

Returning to my mat with a less busier mind…but only to be now writing the thoughts down…using my eyes, has a pen & the paper a scroll screen in the sky

The first line reads…Woman, Woman you have many, many things to do…..